Afta a while, D hidupkan kembali blog yg tak seberapa ni :) Dulu belog ni nama celoteysibebel now D dah tukar nama ke ABLOGTO-REMEMBER! Blog yg lama tu byk sgt gambar D free hair so terpaksa di PRIVATEkan haritu..
1st of all, D nak share ngan korang.. Actually i'm a part time baker.. I'm working full time as Graphic Designer (dekat rumah sy seorg yang paling malas nak on lappy so tak hairan lah kalau belog ni pun tergendala tak lama lagi.. haha! minx dijauhkan :p) So starting roughly by middle of last year, utk mempromosikan D punya baking product ni, D buat skali dengan DELIVERY SURPRISE.. Sounds easy kan, orang order then kita just deliveryy.. But then, dgn adanya perkataan SURPRISE kat situ dia agak complicated sikit actually.. Sumtimes, org yg kita nak surprisekan tu takde dekat office, kadang xdpt dihubungi bila kita dpn pintu rumah/office, kadang kena tggu nearly 2hours.. So that's why ramai yg letak harga tinggi utk servis camni but mine? Alhamdulillahh~ Still offer korang harga MAMPU ORDER.. hehehe..
Kenapa pilih D surprise delivery? Sbb D mmg suke baking + suke tgk org happy~ Bile korang dpt surprisekan orang tersayang, time tu PRICELESS sgt reaction diorg.. Ade yg tahan air mate, ada yg happy melompat2, ade yg tersengih2 je receive :D Mmg lumrah dalam diri agaknye, SUKA TGK ORANG HAPPY & rasa puas hati sangat bile semua berjalan lancar ;)
Alhamdulillah, for now D KAKES & DEZZERT ni antara yg termurah okayy? :D Korang boleh try survey2 dulu kalau tak caye :D
Jemput cuci mata ye korang :)
If interested boleh,
follow IG : DKAKESDEZZERT for more pics ;)
direct Whatsapp 017-311 3228 for fast response.. InsyaAllah~ :)

This one choc bouquet + balloons = RM 150 only ok? ;p
Choc Bouquet + Choc Deco Top + Balloons = RM 210
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